Best Cardio Exercises For Weight Loss | Top 10 Workouts

There are many different choices for cardio workouts, but not all of them are the best choice when it comes to weight loss. There is no one size fits all answer, so this article will outline ten of the top cardio exercises that can help you lose weight.

In order to lose weight, fat needs to be mobilized and oxidized (burned) with a deficit of calories. Cardio is a stimulus to create that calorie deficit. But what is the best cardio for weight loss? And when should you do it?

This article will share the best exercises for fat loss and provide some tips to meet your weight loss goals.

High-Intensity Interval Training vs. Steady State Cardio

There are many different forms of exercise that people utilize to stay physically fit, lose weight, and improve health. For this simplicity of the discussion, we are going to break the forms of excise down into two categories: high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and low-intensity steady-state training (LISS). Think of HIIT training as being periods of exercise at about 80-100% of your VO2 max (maximum effort) followed by periods of rest.

Generally, you can only sustain these high-effort bursts of activity for up to 240 seconds. However, it is usually much shorter than that. LISS is more of a low to moderate form of exercise that is performed at a steady-state and can be maintained for a much longer period of time. We often call this zone 2 training. This is an exercise that can be performed for about 20-60 minutes at a constant intensity. For practical purposes, this is exercising as hard as possible while still being able to maintain a normal conversation.

We will provide examples of each form of training further down in the article.

hiit vs steady state

Best Cardio For Weight Loss | Polarized Cardio

We recommend polarized cardio to clients looking to burn calories and lose fat. When you think polarized, think about two completely opposite sides of the spectrum with minimal to no middle ground. In the case of cardio, this means using both HIIT and steady-state cardio together is best for optimizing for fat loss and improving cardiovascular health.

Training intensity is the largest factor in how you burn fat and burn calories. Not how long you workout, but how hard you train will make the most difference in your weight loss. We are going to use both ends of the spectrum, high and low-intensity exercise, to increase your calories burned and get the best of both worlds.

Polarized cardio will allow you to delete glycogen with a high-intensity exercise then transition to burning more fat with a lower intensity exercise. Perform 20-30% of your workout at max intensity. Then transition to performing the remaining 70-80% of your session at a low or moderate intensity. For example, perform 5 minutes of sprints followed by 20 minutes of brisk walking or slow jogging. We will dive into the best exercise options in the next sections.

Yes, traditional HIIT workouts and steady-state cardio workouts can be great for fat loss. However, polarized cardio is the best cardio workout to burn calories and burn fat.

Top 5 HIIT Exercises

When picking high-intensity exercises for cardio, you need to keep safety in mind. Not all equipment is safe or practical for everyone. Be sure to know your limitations and consult a doctor before implementing any high-intensity exercise protocol.

1) Sprints

Sprints are a great way to really push the pace and get close to your VO2 max. Find a local football friend or some open space. They will also supplement your strength training as you build explosive leg power. Treadmills are not recommended for sprints as it can be easier to fall. It is also more difficult to start and stop when on a treadmill.

Better yet, try hill sprints. If you have access to a park or open field with some hills it can be performed for your HIIT workouts. Hill sprints are a great cardio exercise that will really work your lower body.


2) Air Bike

The air bike is another great way to get your HIIT workouts in. We recommend the air bike because it works both the lower body and upper body evenly. Not many forms of cardio are full-body exercises. This is a very safe way to push the pace and see how hard you can pedal with minimal chance of injury. Trainers and athletes have been using the air bikes for years and you should too! Give the air bike a try for your next HIIT workout.

air bike

3) Rower

The rowing machine is a great tool to burn fat with high-intensity exercise. This exercise will work your leg, back, shoulder, and arm muscles. This is a great way to get an upper-body workout in. A 185-pound person can expect to burn around 180 calories from just 15 minutes of intense rowing. The best part is this is a very low-impact exercise for your bones and joints compared to running.

If your gym has a rower, be sure to make use of it for the next polarized cardio session.

rowing workout

4) Battle Ropes

Battle ropes are not used as frequently as they should be. There is an almost unlimited amount of exercises you can perform with these battle ropes. And let me tell you, none of them are easy. After a few intense minutes on the ropes your arms, core, and shoulders will be screaming. Battle ropes are great for cardio workouts to burn fat and improve weight loss.

battle rope workout

5) Sled Push

The sled push is another exercise that does not get a ton of attention. However, it is an awesome tool to burn fat. Load up the sled with some weight and drive as hard as you can with your legs to keep it moving. After a few rounds, your legs will be burning and your heart will be racing. This is the perfect high-intensity cardio workout to improve weight loss.

Sled pushing will definitely increase your lower body strength which will enhance your weight training performance. If your gym has a sled give it a try.

sled push

Top 5 Steady-State Exercises

Nearly any exercise you can maintain for a prolonged period can be used for steady-state cardio. Remember, the goal is to push as hard as possible while still being able to maintain a conversation. After we burn all the available glucose, steady-state cardio is where we start burning some fat. Here are the top 5 exercises.

1) Get Out For A Walk

Walking is a very simple yet effective weight loss tool. Walking is perfect after your sprints or any of the high-intensity exercises listed above. Cardio exercises don’t have to be complicated to be effective. Walking is simple but burns more calories than you would imagine.

If you are performing your walking on a treadmill, try to add an incline. This can add a new twist to your workout and burn more calories.


2) Light Jog

Getting out for a jog for your steady-state cardio is great for weight loss. No need to push the pace too hard. Remember, you want to be able to maintain the pace for a prolonged period of time. Leave the fast-paced running for the HIIT training.


3) Stationary Bike

Stationary bikes are perfect for prolonged steady-state cardio sessions. The stationary bike has been shown to be a great cardio tool that can increase calories burned, lower blood pressure, and lower stress levels. Unlike jogging, the stationary bike is a low-impact exercise. The chance of getting injured is very low.

indoor bike workout

4) Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is perfect for low-intensity cardio exercises. The best feature of the jump rope is that it’s so versatile. No gym is needed. All you need is enough floor space to get your workout in. If you have a hard time at first don’t worry. Like anything jump rope will take some practice.

jump rope

5) Stair Stepper

The stair stepper is a common piece of cardio equipment seen in most gyms. It may seem simple, but it doesn’t take much to get a great workout in. Carrying your body weight up flights and flights of stairs will increase your calories burned and get you losing body fat in no time.

stair master workout cardio

The Laws Of Fat Loss

You may have heard people say “calories don’t matter as long as I am eating healthy foods”. However, when it comes to weight loss that is not the case. Calories in vs. calories out is the most important formula when it comes to losing weight. If you consume significantly more calories than you burn on a daily basis, then there is not going to be a chance you lose weight. If you ingest fewer calories than you burn on a daily basis then you are going to lose weight. A large portion of that weight will likely be body fat. There are a variety of factors that can impact just how much body fat you actually burn. These factors include:

  • Hormone health
  • Your body temperature (hot or cold)
  • metabolic rate
  • The connection between the nervous system & body fat

If you are new to your weight loss journey, just know that there is no magic pill or top-secret workout that will allow you to avoid this fact… it’s physics.

Will Fasted Cardio Workouts Help Lose Weight Faster?

Fasted cardio has become very popular in recent years. But is this really the best cardio for weight loss?

There are many factors that can impact the effectiveness of fasted cardio. One of the largest being the duration of the fast. For the purposes of this discussion, let’s assume that the individual has fasted for anywhere from 3 to 24 hours.

In the past, people have suggested that you can fat fast because ingesting fat and protein does not lead to the same level of inulin spike that carbohydrate induces. But does this even matter?

The truth is that performing cardio or exercise fasted will not have a significant effect in the short term on fat oxidation (burning fat). If you do some research, you will find there are studies that show eating before a workout will limit your ability to burn fat. You will also find studies showing that fasting before cardio workouts will have no effect on weight loss.

However, new research has shown that after 90 minutes of LISS or zone 2 cardio, you will start burning more fat if you are fasted than if you ate before or during the exercise. In reality, not many of us are walking on the cardio for over 90 minutes. That is a long time. People have busy lives and things to do. That is why we conclude that from a practical standpoint fasted cardio will not burn more fat than non-fasted cardio.

Final Thoughts

We have probably all heard of steady-state and HIIT cardio. Now you know that in order to burn the most body fat, you need to use them both together. In this article, we broke down the basic concepts behind fat loss and what needs to be done to reach your goals.

We even provided the top 5 HIIT and top 5 steady-state cardio workouts for you to try out. So what are you waiting for? Get started shredding that body fat today!

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